So I have officially been at home for a week and I think I have done less housework than I did when I worked in an office. Seriously, where do my days go? I can't seem to keep up with my to do list and I think whoever is in charge of my calendar must be on crack! There is barely a free minute on my schedule and I am clearly not getting everything taken care of!
What do I do first? Delegate! Shannon Harris to the rescue! She has taken the role of Social Media and Research Manager and run with it! Best investment of my life! And she doesn't get mad when I send random texts for things I need done, at least she doesn't tell me she is mad...Not only that, but every Saturday morning we push each other, this past Saturday we pushed for 12 miles! We both have the blisters to prove it, but for more on that fun part of life you will have to check out her blog "Run, Fatty, Run".
The majority of my time right now has been spent on the Menchie's SouthNashDash 5K and Block Party that will be on Sept 18th. As we get closer and closer, each day I realize that there is more I need to do and things I have forgotten. I was a nervous wreck because the publication that I sunk our marketing fee into went out a month late. So rather than potential runners getting it 7 weeks before the race and having time to train and put it on their calendar, they are getting it 3 weeks before when they are likely already doing something else. But sponsorships have increased over last year and vendors are looking good. So if I can get some more runners out there, we will be golden. But I am still trying to secure the emergency personnel as well as kids activities, all the crazy things that make a race day fun!
On Thursday I served lunch at Room At the Inn, which is a homeless and treatment facility. Each day they serve over 200 people a warm meal. It was a great experience! They have just opened their new building and they were so excited to be there!
Yesterday I spent all day at Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital. That in and of itself should be enough to scare you off! But really, they tested me for 6 hours and it will become my baseline for Alzheimer's. Since I have such a high risk of getting Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease, they need to know where I am starting and if I need to start medication in the near future to slow my delay. I have never felt more stupid than I did taking those tests! I took a WAIS - III and the MMPI and a few other tests. The worst was when I could not make the red and white blocks look like the shape they wanted! So frustrating! But I finished it and I believe all went well.
Today I went to the girl doctor and had my IUD removed, something I have wanted to do for a long time! But at last my husband has uttered the words "I am excited to have a baby" Not sure he is convinced yet, but we are going to try and let God decide what our future holds. All in the game of Sponsorship, Brand Management and Motherhood. Maybe I could get my (future) pregnancy sponsored so that we didn't have any bills. Then hubby wouldn't be near as nervous!!
This morning I met with someone about an Ice Cream Festival, I could not be more perfect for that job!! It will actually be a great fundraiser for a 3 year old with cancer, but I will hopefully help get the sponsors for the event so that more money is raised for her. All those who grew up with me, or know me at all, know that I could live off Ice Cream alone! It could be a dangerous contract for me to accept! But the event isn't until July 2011, so I have some time before I need to start taste testing!
I had another call with E.M. who owns 4 races and manages multiple others and it looks like we are going to work out a deal for me to sell sponsorships for his events. He has a great product and I really believe that his races could be set up in all larger cities! If the foundation gets laid correctly, he is sitting on a gold mine!
But now it is about time to go put my mommy hat back on, Isaac's CPA Lions are playing Friendship Christian Academy this evening. So time to dress in my purple and grab the camcorder! Let's go Lions!!
Kristy, I am so proud to call you friend. You are so awesome. I hope you get another boy for Isaac. :) I want to go over and check out run fatty run. I've almost worked up to running a mile at a time.